We are happy to announce that WP Full Pay v5.0.0 is SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) and 3DS (3D Secure) compliant.
If you’d like to learn more about what SCA is then we would recommend reading the comprehensive Strong Customer Authentication guide put together by Stripe.
SCA means a lot of changes to the way we pay, and it also means a lot of changes to WP Full Pay.
This blog post is about changes we made to the plugin to be SCA compliant. There are plugin changes possibly breaking your existing integrations, so please read this blog post carefully.
Inline form functionality remains the same
You’ll see in the next sections that some checkout form features are going away. Some of them are temporary, others are permanent.
However, inline form functionalty remains the same, it’s not affected by SCA.
WP Full Pay forms used to be available in two flavors: inline and popup.
Popup forms in WP Full Pay are the implementation of Stripe checkout forms extended with custom functionality. You just put a button on a web page, and when the button is pressed the form is opened in an overlay.
Stripe discountinues checkout forms in their current form in favour of Stripe-hosted checkout forms.
WP Full Stripe also transitions to the new checkout forms, and starting with WP Full Pay v5.0 (the SCA release) popup forms are replaced by checkout forms.
As you’ll see, the new checkout forms lack functionality popup forms used to have, and because of this inline forms are a superior choice over checkout forms, at least for the time being.
In the following sections, we’ll break down by payment form type what the biggest changes are.
There are some features Stripe removed from checkout one-time forms:
- Shipping address
You cannot collect shipping address from the customer anymore. No word from Stripe if this feature ever comes back.
- Remember me
Your customers cannot save securely their payment data anymore to have a one-click payment experience. No word from Stripe if this feature ever comes back.
There are some features Stripe removed from checkout subscription forms:
- Coupons
Your customers cannot redeem coupons on checkout subscription forms. Stripe is working on adding coupon support to checkout forms.
- Tax
You cannot set tax to be applied on top of your subscription plans and setup fee. Stripe is supposedly working on tax support for checkout forms.
- Plan trials
You cannot use plans with trials on subscription checkout forms. Trials can be added in a different way, but we need time to re-architect WP Full Stripe to support this.
- Shipping address
You cannot collect shipping address from the customer anymore. No word from Stripe if this feature ever comes back.
- Remember me
Your customers cannot save securely their payment data anymore to have a one-click payment experience. No word from Stripe if this feature ever comes back.
Fortunately for checkout save card forms, there are only a few changes:
- Remember me
Your customers cannot save securely their payment data anymore to have a one-click payment experience. No word from Stripe if this feature ever comes back.
Where the plugin is heading, what’s next?
Due to SCA, we had to rewrite most of the plugin code. As this is the first SCA-compliant release, issues might come up as rubber hits the road and our customers start to use the plugin in a lot of diverse environments.
Contact us if you run into issues, or if you’d like to give us feedback.
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